martes, 22 de mayo de 2012



Qué desastre de semanas XD Ayer no pude actualizar ya que hice un viaje exprés a Sevilla, y me puse a escribir la actualización pero pasaron unas cosillas que me entretuvieron y ya se me pasó la hora :s

Pero vamos! Que la canción que os iba a traer ayer es la misma de hoy, no os la vais a perder ni nada!

¿A quién le toca?


Con los Foster the People me pasa que es un grupo con el tengo unos prejuicios y unas cosas de las que digo: "no me gustan, no los escucho" y tan pronto como lo pienso, le doy al Play... Y ME DOY CUENTA DE QUE ME EQUIVOCO!!! XD

Houdini es una canción de la que me ha conquistado su estribillo, con un break así como con pitiditos.

Pero sin duda lo que llega a conquistar, y estaréis de acuerdo conmigo cuando lo veáis: ES EL VIDEOCLIP!

Todo empieza muy mal, FATAL! Ya que nada más empezar con unos ensayos, toda la instalación se desmorona y cae sobre el grupo... MATÁNDOLOS!!! :s

Pero no os preocupéis porque llaman a los japoneses para solucionarlo todo, el grupo va a dar su concierto sí o sí.

Vais a ver croma, robots e incluso una coreo! Es que el video es la caña! VEDLO YA!!!

Rise above, gonna start the war!
What you want, what you need, what'd you come here for?
Well, eye for an eye and an 'F' for fight
They're taking me down as the prisoners riot

I've got shackles on, my words are tight
Fear can make you compromise
With the lights turned up, it's hard to hide
Sometimes I want to disappear!

When I feel kinda bad and don't want to stress
I just pass it off on ability
Well you got what you want, and what you never knew
It's a perfect gift from me to you, yeah yeah yeah

I've got shackles on, my words are tight
Fear can make you compromise
With the lights turned up, it's hard to hide
Sometimes I want to disappear!

(Raise up to your ability)
You never knew what I could find
What could come when we realize
I don't want to compromise

(Raise up to your ability)
Yeah I'm scared but I'll disappear
Run around before I'll come with you
Like he's someone who's lost his way

(Raise up to your ability)
I know that you want me
Cause it was easy to see
Of my ability

(Raise up to your ability)
Yeah you're undecided
Yeah so I can see it
Yeah I don't want to run away

Focus on your ability
Focus on your ability
You gotta focus on your ability
Now focus on your ability
Focus on your ability

Then they can't get what they want to steal
Can't get what they want to steal
Gonna gain again what they want to steal
Gain again what they want to steal

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